Role of the Court

The Supreme Court is the highest judicial authority in matters within the courts’ jurisdiction in civil and criminal proceedings. Its Panels decide on extraordinary remedies, except for matters that fall within the competence of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Administrative Court.

Extraordinary remedies are extraordinary appeals against decisions of courts of second instance and complaints on the violation of the law which can be filed in criminal cases by the Minister of Justice. The Supreme Court decides, in cases prescribed by law, also on the determination of the local and subject-matter jurisdiction of the courts, recognition of foreign decisions, review of wiretapping orders and in case of doubts about immunity from the jurisdiction of the law enforcement authorities.

The Supreme Court plays a vital role in unifying case law. It achieves this by deciding on extraordinary appeals and issuing Opinions on a uniform interpretation of the law. The most important decisions of the Supreme Court, or lower instance courts, and Opinions of the Divisions or Plenary Session of the Supreme Court, are published in the Collection of Decisions and Opinions of the Supreme Court.