- About the Court
- Proceedings
- Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
- Extraordinary Appeal Proceedings Pursuant to the Code of Civil Procedure
- Conflicts of Jurisdiction Between Courts
- Removal and Transfer of a Case
- Motions to Determine the Court that Will Try and Decide the Case
- Proceedings on an Application for Determination of the Time Limit for The Performance of a Procedural Act
- Recusal of Judges from Hearing and Deciding a Case
- Recognition of Foreign Decisions in the Czech Republic
- Proceedings in Criminal Matters
- Extraordinary Appeal Proceedings in Criminal Matters
- Complaint on the Violation of the Law
- Review of Interception and Recording of Telecommunications Traffic
- Conflicts of Jurisdiction
- Setting a Time Limit for the Performance of an Act in Case of Delays in Proceedings
- Complaint against the Resolution of the High Court
- Appeal Against the Decision of the Supreme Audit Office’s Disciplinary Chamber
- Removal and Transfer of a Case to Another Court
- Application for Exemption of Persons from the Competence of the Investigative, Prosecuting, and Adjudicating Authorities
- Objections Challenging Impartiality
- Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
- International Cooperation
- Summaries of Decisions
- Contact